Engage Our Workforce

Partner with Spectrum Support to provide opportunities for paid employment, work-based learning experiences, or unpaid volunteer engagement.

young man with glasses and red shirt holding bottle next to shelf

Are you looking for motivated, well-trained team members?

Do you seek pre-screened and willing applicants?

If you have answered yes to these questions, Spectrum Support can help you!

The individuals we support want an opportunity to find jobs that match their skillsets and interests, and become independent, hardworking members of our community.

Engaging people with disabilities is a great way for businesses to tap an underutilized talent pool, improve employee morale, diversify your workforce, and boost your company’s image.

The individuals we support are dedicated, talented, and ready to contribute! 

girl stands holding stack of pizza boxes

Spectrum’s placement services are entirely free of charge to both parties.

Partner with Spectrum.
Our individuals can help fill your staffing needs.

  • Reduce or eliminate recruitment costs
  • Supply well-trained, pre-screened candidates
  • Assist with onsite training and ongoing support
  • Offer free and low-cost accommodation ideas
  • Provide education on Disability Employer Tax Credits
  • Provide replacement services if our referral does not meet your needs

Your organization can get involved.

  • Serve as an “Internship” site
  • Host a Worksite Tour
  • Host a volunteer
  • Be a guest speaker
  • Support or donate to Spectrum Support

We Love Volunteering!

man holding a cleaning rag standing in front of a piece of furniture
woman in orange shirt holding a mop and mopping outdoor corridor, with another woman in the background also mopping
group photo of several people standing in hair nets, blue aprons, and face masks
group of people packing boxes of food at a table indoors

Spectrum Support gives people the tools they need to find a job and they skills they need to maintain success.
But only you can give them a chance.

Interested in utilizing our talent?

Where is the opportunity likely to be centered?