We form relationships that support people as they achieve their life goals.

Spectrum Support, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency that helps people with developmental disabilities to live, learn, work and engage in social activities within their communities.

Our Primary Customers(s)

Spectrum Support primarily serves people age 14 and older who have barriers that often present significant challenges for them to achieve their life goals.

Without the guidance of a passionate Direct Support Professional, people with disabilities may never have the chance to live, learn, work, and engage socially with their community to the fullest of their ability.

This typically includes individuals with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, physical limitations, and/or mental health challenges.

Spectrum Support helps people with disabilities overcome the challenges they face, fight stigmas, and find new, exciting ways to live their life how they choose to.

What Makes Spectrum Unique

Spectrum Support has a history of successfully working with people who have significant challenges. We have successfully increased their independence, ability to work and access their communities in a meaningful way.

Part of our success is due to Spectrum’s emphasis on building relationships with each person, with each other, and with partners in the community. Spectrum’s employees have a positive impact on the people we support, helping everyone to Live Their Best Life.

Our Program Philosophy

When Spectrum Support accepts people into our program, we accept them wholeheartedly. Success may occur one step at a time and through repeated actions. We keep trying until we find a way!

Our Values


We provide space for each person to discover their hopes and dreams, and then to find ways to achieve them.



We see people as able to have a meaningful and productive life with the right support.


We understand that everyone has a different pathway to their goals, and we are vested in supporting each person to find theirs.

Dignity and Respect

We appreciate the unique abilities of each person by actively listening and by asking questions to understand each person’s ideas and opinions.


We demonstrate a genuine interest in each person’s well-being and aspirations.


We create an environment that promotes dialogue, builds trust, and fosters diversity.

Our Vision

Spectrum Support is a sought-after community partner.

We set the standard that other organizations want to model by using innovations in technology and training.

We inspire a welcoming attitude by recognizing the dignity of all people and treating them with respect regardless of their role in the organization.