Community Living

Spectrum Support strives to help people live as independently as possible, in the Baltimore area communities of their choice.

An array of supported living options and staffing alternatives help people to Live Their Best Lives. Individuals receive the tools and support they need for greater independence, full inclusion, and active participation in their homes.

Support in Residential Settings

Available in the Baltimore area, the people we support live in many types of homes such as townhomes, condominiums, apartments and single-family homes.

The Residential Program provides a level of care that is tailored to the needs of the person. People who reside in one of Spectrum’s residences may receive a variety of supports from the agency, including:

    • Transportation
    • Nursing
    • Health case management services
    • Financial management services
    • Vacation planning and travel support
    • Leisure activities
Mission Stories about Community Living
Natasha is an engaging, funny, interesting lady. She moved into a home supported by Spectrum in September 2019.

Natasha describes herself as an artist and has a collection of colored drawings which she’s created. She is eager to share her talents and readily gives feedback about what she’s designed. She said that she doesn’t only draw, “I also do needle-point that I learned from my mom.”

When asked how she’s coming along at Spectrum Support, she said “I really honestly love living here and it makes me really happy.”

She reported that staff listens to her hopes and dreams and said that she is “free” to “handle things” on her own as much as she can. She said respect is “huge” and that staff respect her and that she likes it that “staff can calm me down when I’m upset” and that one staff in particular, “Nini”—she’s always there “If I need it. I have a really nice relationship with her!”

Gregory is 35 years old and has resided over 11 years with Spectrum Support. Although Gregory came to Spectrum with many restrictions that required him to be closely supervised, he worked hard to regain his independence. As a result, Gregory is now able to be in the community without direct staff support.

Gregory started working at Mod Pizza in Eldersburg in 2016, where he developed a powerful working relationship with his employer. Despite having a location even closer to his home, Gregory and his employer mutually agreed not to transfer his locations.

To make this possible, his Residential Director has worked to ease the challenge of transportation for him and his household by helping his employer apply for DDA transportation funding.

During his free time, Gregory likes to play basketball, watch wrestling, go to the library, get on the computer, and play video games.

Community living services Are Currently Offered in The Baltimore Area

Housing Options

Live in a/an:

  • Agency owned or rented home with other people with disabilities
  • Apartment with or without roomates
  • Private home with supports

Residential service

Services are designed to support people in living to their fullest by:

  • Ensuring each residents health and safety
  • Supporting individuals to actively participate in the community
  • Promoting meaningful relationships


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We have various programs for individuals age 14 and older.